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Saturday, 11 August 2012 11:00

You'll Come to Menorca Again

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In Minorca, the urban development associated with tourism has been controlled and limited. Thanks to this, the environmental integrity of the island remains in superb condition, so much so, that in 1993 it was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. They have conserved natural, pristine spaces and some fascinating coves.

Minorcan conservationism has made the tourist infrastructure adopt some dimensions that are more respectful to the environment. This has brought about a better integration of the local world with the tourist sector. And this way, tourism in Minorca has always been understood as mutual enrichment between visitors and the visited.

Minorca is a small and magical world through which flows a different kind of energy. The enigma of the Talaiots or the horse culture and its traditions form a part of a unique cultural patrimony with extraordinarily deep roots. An individual world that transports us to past ages of men.

Traveling to Minorca is going back in time to an island of unaltered natural spaces that still retain their original beauty. Living again in a serene, jovial, carefree world, the agreeable life of the Mediterranean people. And submerging yourself into a cultural heritage that is omnipresent, like an open-air museum.

That is what Minorca is like. Maybe that's why they say that when you leave, you'll come again.

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Soy un menorquín apasionado de Menorca. Me gusta compartir aquello que mejor conozco, y lo que más disfruto de nuestra increíble isla. Intentaré daros los mejores consejos, para que disfrutéis al máximo vuestra estancia.

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